Cumberland Community Prayer Dinner

The Cumberland Community Prayer Dinner is an annual gathering of people united by a shared commitment to prayer for our community. This special event brings together local churches, civic leaders, and community members to reflect, give thanks, and seek God’s guidance for our region. Through inspiring speakers, heartfelt prayers, and meaningful fellowship, we aim to strengthen the bonds of Christian unity and hope within the Cumberland area. We invite you to join us on the last Tuesday in August each year.

A history of the dinner: In 1976 Cir Allan Ezzy travelled to Florida USA as a member of a Group Study Exchange team, on a Rotary International Scholarship.  The purpose was to study law enforcement, local government, community and church life. During his time there he gained a wide knowledge of issues, many of which he was later able to implement either through local government, church activities or law enforcement.  One event he attended whilst in the USA was an annual Presidential Prayer Breakfast which was held in the Local High School gymnasium.  These breakfasts were held widely throughout America. Upon Clr Ezzy's return he spoke to the Mayor of the day (Ald. Bob Devlin); further discussions took place with the Rev. Brian Sears, and other members of the local clergy.  The decision was made to trial an evening function instead of a breakfast in 1978 with Rev. Canon John Chapman, Canon St Andrews Cathedral Sydney, as the speaker. Following the resounding success of the event the dinner has taken place every year since (except in 2020 and 2021 due to COVID-19 restrictions). The dinner was originally called the 'Holroyd Mayoral Prayer Dinner' then 'Holroyd Community Prayer Dinner' and now 'Cumberland Community Prayer Dinner'. It is estimated that over 5000 community members, clergy, politicians, and members of Council have attended over the years praying for our community, enjoying a meal together and listening to many prominent speakers delivering the Christian message, and/or relating as Christians their experience in public life.

Guest speakers over the years:  Rev Canon John Chapman Canon St Andrews Cathedral Sydney (1978), Most Rev. E. Clancy Roman Catholic Bishop of Canberra (1980), Rev. S. J. Clements Moderator NSW Presbyterian Church (1982), Rev. John Edmondstone President Elect – Baptist Union of NSW and ACT (1983), Rev.  Dr. Peter Jensen Principal Moore Theological College (1986), Rev. Gordon Moyes Director, Wesley Central Mission (1990), Mr. Bruce Baird MLA (1994), Dr Clifford Hughes Retiring President of Baptist Union of NSW and Director, Cardiothoracic Surgery RPAH (1998), Fr Chris Riley Youth Off The Streets (2003), Superintendent Garry Raymond OAM NSW Police (2005), Rev Dr Barry Chant Wesley Mission Academic, theologian and author (2006), Andrew Scipione NSW Police Commissioner (2010), Melinda Tankard-Reist Collective Shout Activist (2014), Nick Farr-Jones, Captain of the winning Australian team for the Rugby World Cup (2016), and Rev. David Riethmuller Operations Manager Disaster Recovery Chaplaincy Network & former Principal Chaplain, NSW Police (2022).