Cumberland Christian Churches and Ministries
CCCM are Christian Churches and Ministries in and around Cumberland LGA in western Sydney who:
come together to celebrate, represent and proclaim Christ by partnering together in Christian activities and liaising with local community entities, such as local government, education, police and aged care facilities.
are ambassadors for Christ in our local community - by praying together, fellowshipping together, ministering together, and encouraging unity among the local churches.
CCCM Inc transistioned from HCMF in August 2024 and our website is still being developed. Please keep checking back here as we grow our organisation and ministry. The vision, purpose and what we do is still being put together and developed with the help from the pastors and the leaders in the area. We have formed not to be an organisation that leads or sets what we do as the church in Cumberland, but rather an entity that supports and resources Christian pastors and leaders and their churches to grow in oneness so they can celebrate their diversity whilst being united for the sake of God's kingdom to be evident across Cumberland. We also invite you to connect with one of our committee members to find out how you can be involved.